Page 43 of Sphinx

Chapter 23


It took every ounce of control that I had to keep my dick from saluting the stunning creature who was currently staring Alexander George down, telling him that we were seeing each other.

In all actuality, it was against the rules for me and Kincaid to be in a relationship, but there was a loophole for that. We had technically been in a relationship before she’d been chosen as Saxton’s supporter. Our relationship had nothing to do with the organization’s design or Saxton himself. It didn’t matter that we’d broken up. The relationship had been established, and as long as it had Saxton’s approval, that’s all we needed. Nowhere in the contracts, rules, or requirements did it say that a supporter had to be single to be chosen. Now, were they going to modify that moving forward? Probably. However, it was too late where me and Kincaid were concerned.

Alexander looked over at me. “It’s true, then? You and Ms. Black are involved?”

“Since the summer before our freshman year at Hales,” I semi-lied.

“That’s impossible,” Alexander replied. “That would have come up in our research.”

I shrugged. “It’s true,” I repeated. “We might have taken a break, but it’s true.”

Anger flashed in his eyes before turning to Saxton. “And you have no issues with this, Mr. Voss?”

Baring all, Saxton replied, “Seeing as how Kincaid’s been my best friend since the second grade, I have no issues with it. As long as she’s happy, I’m happy.”

All the disastrous pieces were falling into place, and Alexander’s pale complexion was enough to let us know that he saw it. Not only was Kincaid Black and Saxton Voss best friends, but she was my girlfriend now. Then you had Stone and Rylee with their Hera contract, and Ross and Saxton married. At this point, we could probably start our own organization with the power we had.

Alexander was quick to collect himself, knowing that these new developments made a difference, even if he didn’t want to address them anymore.

Turning back towards Alexis, Donovan and Jacob standing guard next to her, he said, “Since Mr. Harrington no longer trusts you or has any use for you, you are no longer needed, Ms. Wyatt.”

“You can’t do this!” she cried again. “I didn’t do anything! Nothing happened!”

“It doesn’t matter,” Alexander told her. “The trust of your contract with Mr. Harrington has been broken. You can exit peacefully, or we can make an example out of you. Either way, it’s done, Ms. Wyatt.”

“Go peacefully,” Kincaid advised in front of everyone. “Trust me, Alexis.”

The girl paled a bit, but then getting threatened by Kincaid Black was quite different than getting threatened by Alexander George. Kincaid was no longer obligated to play nice with her, so unlike Alexander, Kincaid could actually kick her ass, and no one could do a damn thing about it.

Alexander jerked his head towards Donovan, and Donovan quickly went to escorting Alexis out of the building. She didn’t go quietly, though. Looking at Laney, she said, “I will get you for this.”

Once she was gone, Alexander waited patiently for Donovan to return before touching on the second issue of the night. Even as much as I wished it were, we all knew he wasn’t going to address August’s report in front of August. Whatever topic number two was about, it wasn’t about August.

We all watched as Alexander went to stand in front of Laney, and you could feel the tension in the room like a living, breathing entity. At this point, if he gave Laney another pass, I was pretty sure Rylee or Kincaid were going to kick her ass.

“Ms. Spinner, though it cannot be proven, your name has been linked to each and every unfortunate incident that has involved the members of this class. That coincidence cannot be ignored.”

“Meaning?” she huffed.

“While Mr. Remington has taken responsibility, it’s no longer enough,” he told her, and her gasp nearly knocked us all over. “Your contract will be voided, giving Mr. Remington the opportunity to choose someone who is better suited for the role.”

Ignoring Alexander, she turned to face August. “Are you going to let him do this?” she screeched. “You cannot let him do this, August!”

“Mr. Remington doesn’t have a say, Ms. Spinner,” Alexander bit out. “You are forgetting who is in charge here-”

“You?” Laney scoffed, interrupting him. “You’re the last person who is in charge here. You’ve been letting Stone run things since the beginning.”

“How dare you-”

“I dare because it’s true!” she yelled.

“Laney, shut up,” August hissed.

She turned her wrath back on him. “Shut up?! Shut up?!” she yelled. “Instead of putting a stop to that stupid Hera contract, he let Stone get the better of him! If it weren’t for that, we wouldn’t be in this position!”