Page 55 of Sphinx

Chapter 29


It wasn’t a minute later that my phone was ringing again, and I just prayed it wasn’t my dad again. Nothing he could say would be enough to make me change my mind about Kincaid. If I crashed and burned a second time, so be it.

Seeing Saxton’s name flash across the screen, I answered. “Hey.”

“I need you to come to the on-campus video library,” he said. “Call Stone and Ross, and tell them to come, too. There are campus cameras at the entrance, the parking lot, the library, and the stadiums, so pull up to the east side of the Crawley building, then-”

“Yeah, I know how to get there,” I practically snapped. “What the fuck is going on, Voss?”

“Just call S-”


“Do you love Kincaid?” he bit out.

“You know that I do.”

“Then do what I said,” he kept snapping. “Get here as soon as possible.” I almost hung up on him, before he added, “And no texts. Call them.”

That sent a dark chill down my spine. “Okay.”

After relaying those cryptic directions to Stone and Ross, I got to campus faster than I’d ever gotten anywhere else in all my life. Following Saxton’s directions, I was ready to knock on the door when Stone called my name out.

“Fox, man, what’s going on?”

I knocked on the door. “I have no idea,” I admitted. “I only know what I told you.”

Saxton opened the door just as Ross came jogging up. “What’s going on,” he asked in lieu of a greeting. Opening the door to let us in, Saxton didn’t answer, but the man looked grim as fuck.

As soon as we all filed in, Saxton locked the door behind us, saying, “Follow me.”

Like three little ducklings following their mama, we quietly followed Saxton until we entered an area stacked with projectors and film reel. The place looked like it was prime for filming a horror film, and that thought made me cringe when I finally saw what the fuck was going on.

Kincaid was standing next to an unconscious August Remington.

I quickly made my way towards her, and the closer I got, the worse it looked. Kincaid’s face was bruised and swelling with injury. “What the fuck happened?” I snapped, not meaning to. I cradled her face in my hands, my eyes taking in every mark on her face. “Baby, what happened?”

“Is he dead?” Stone asked, and that’s when I looked down at August’s body.

Kincaid let out a deep breath before she went into a story that had us captivated with every word. We listened as she told us about Turner Day fucking their project up, Elias being stitched up, forgetting the lock the door, about how she never did find out how August knew she was here, their argument, and then the words that had ultimately led up to the fight, then how she killed him with one well-placed kick to the back and a follow up that caused him to hit his head.

Kincaid killed August.

Holy fucking shit.

“Sounds like champagne is in order,” Stone remarked coldly. “What’s the issue?”

“We need a vote on something,” Kincaid announced, and the hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up.

“What is it?” Ross asked.

“I want to call the cops and lay out my self-defense story,” she started. “Saxton wants call the cops and tell them that he came to pick me up, heard the fight, then killed August on accident after a fight ensured.”

“I’m not letting her get arrested for murder,” Saxton announced, and it made my stomach clench.

Kincaid looked over at him. “And I’m not letting you take the fall for me,” she fired back before looking over at the rest of us. “He has Hastings to think about now. Besides, no matter how I felt about the guy, my story is the truth.”