Page 56 of Sphinx

“I can take Saxton’s place,” I said. “We’ll say that I’m the one who came to pick you up-”

“No fucking way,” Kincaid hissed, her black eyes alive with so much determination and stubbornness that it was eerie.


“If you think I’m going to let you get arrested for this after everything that I’ve put you thr-” She stopped, clearly not ready to revisit the past. It was hard to blame her, though. It was an ugly past.

“Okay, calm down,” Ross said, trying to diffuse our rising tempers. “As much as I don’t want to see Kincaid arrested-”

“No,” Saxton and I both bit out at the same time.

Ross threw his hands up. “Neither one of you have injuries that coincide with a fight,” he pointed out. “No one is going to believe that either of you got in a fight with August.”

“He’s right,” Stone chimed in. “The biggest mistake that criminals make is thinking that they’re smarter than forensics and science. Besides, she might not even get arrested for murder. Look at her.” He gestured towards Kincaid’s face. “It’s obvious that it was self-defense.”

“The Order will never believe it, though,” Saxton replied. “Once Alexander finds out, he’s going to think she killed him on purpose. Then what?”

“Then we let him know what we know,” I bit out. “In fact, this is a win for Alexander. He no longer has to suck August’s dick to keep his secret. Hell, he might just send Kincaid a Thank You card.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Saxton conceded, but then he looked over at Kincaid. “Babe-”

“I’ll be fine.” She looked up at me. “I’ll be fine.”

“We just need to stick to the same story,” Stone advised. “Not only is this place going to be crawling with police, considering who is dead, but our parents are going to descend on Serenity Springs like starving locusts.”

“I can see my parents trying to take me out of HU,” Kincaid muttered out loud. “I mean, after all, it’s not like I need my degree.”

I stepped to her. “No way,” I told her. “They don’t get to take you away from me, no matter how fucked-up this situation is.”

“Look, you two lovebirds can argue later,” Stone grumbled. “Kincaid needs to call the police.”

“So, what’s the story for us all being here?” Ross asked.

“She called me first, then I called you guys,” Saxton answered. “If we’re going with the truth, then it needs to be the truth.”

“And when they asked why she called you first and not 911?”

Kincaid looked over at Ross. “I’ll tell them the truth,” she replied. “That I always call Saxton for everything.”

That one statement.

So simple, and so damn true.

I grabbed Kincaid by the hand, then tugged her behind me until we were off to the side a little. I knew that the guys could still hear us, but that wasn’t the point. This was about what she was about to do. Though it made sense in my head, and I knew this was our best route, that didn’t change how I felt about Kincaid possibly getting arrested for killing the piece of shit on the floor.

“I can do this,” I told her. “Let me do this, Kincaid.”

She shook her head. “Not a chance, Fox.” Her face softened, and in this moment, I hated how strong Kincaid was. I hated how she didn’t need saving. I especially hated that she’d go to Saxton if she ever did need it.

“I got this,” she swore. “I promise.”

With nothing left to say, I took her face in my hands and kissed her like I was never going to see her again. We weren’t good with words, so I had to show her how I felt in other ways. When her arms wrapped around my neck to hold me closer, I almost said fuck it and called the police myself. What kind of man would that make me if I let her go to jail?

What kind of man did that make any of us?

Breaking off the kiss, irritation rose to maddening levels when she walked over to Saxton. Smiling up at him, she said, “Make the call.”

Then what really pissed me off? I thought she was telling him to call 911, but she wasn’t. Because they knew each other so fucking well, he knew exactly who she was referring to as she pulled her phone out of her pocket to dial 911.

Stone, Ross, and I stood by helplessly as Saxton spoke into his phone. “Hey, Mr. Black…”

Next, Kincaid was on hers. “Yes, I need the police, please.” After listening to the customary emergency response greeting, Kincaid said, “I just killed someone.”

Four simple words, strung together to change everything.