Page 31 of Basilisk

Chapter 17


All I could think about was Kincaid’s comment about things getting muddier, because that’s what it felt like.

The plan had been simple; after classes were over, go and talk with Hastings. However, now I was home and my talk with Hastings was going to have to wait.

Kincaid had called me earlier, telling me how Hastings had overheard a fucked-up conversation between August and Laney, and Kincaid had even sent me a recording of Hastings’ retelling of what she had overheard.

It’d been disturbing.

Not only had it sounded like August wasn’t going to give up, but it also sounded as if he were fucking crazy. Who in their right mind fucked with Stone Lexington?

So, instead of working shit out with Hastings, I was at my place with Stone, Ross, and Fox, having just finished playing the recording.

“I’m done,” Stone announced. “I’m just going to fucking kill him.”

“At this point, I’m not opposed,” Fox said. “It sounds as if he’s not going to stop.”

“I’m not going to be a hypocrite,” Ross added. “I want him dead for messing with Sutton, and that was nothing compared to his fixation on Rylee.” He shrugged. “So, I understand where Stone is coming from.”

“So, it goes without saying that Rylee needs a guard, first and foremost,” I said in response to their vote to kill August. “I mean, I’m all for killing him, but we need time to plan it, don’t you think? Rylee needs protection while we plan it.”

“I thought we agreed we’d all be enough?” Ross asked.

I glanced at him. “We are,” I agreed. “However, now that we’re taking up murder, I imagine that’s going to take up a lot of our time. She needs someone with her when we can’t be.”

“We’re going to have to make it look like an accident, beyond the obvious,” Stone said. “There’s no way Alexander is going to believe that I didn’t kill him. It’s going to look like too much of a coincidence. Especially, after that shit with Ross and Sutton.”

“I can’t believe we’re actually talking about killing August Remington,” Ross muttered.

“You guys don’t have to do anything,” Stone quickly replied. “I can do it without you guys.” He shrugged as if murder was no big deal. “Besides, this is technically my mess. Rylee’s my wife.”

“While Rylee is your mess and it’s more personal for you, this affects all of us, Stone,” Fox said. “We’re in this initiating class together. If that asshole reaches out to one of us later down the line, we’re obligated to help him. I don’t want to owe August Remington a goddamn favor.”

“Same here,” I added. “The guy has no integrity. I don’t need someone like that popping back into my life six years from now, demanding God knows what.”

“Yeah, I gotta agree,” Ross remarked. “He can’t be trusted, and I don’t want him anywhere near my life with Sutton.”

“We can always take the recording to Alexander,” I suggested.

Stone scoffed. “Why? So he can tell us it’s his word against Hastings’ recount of what happened? What’s the point?”

“What’s the story with Hastings Martin anyway?” Fox asked, his hazel eyes looking right at me.

“She’s my girlfriend,” I informed them all. “As of Saturday night.”

Fox smirked. “I knew it.”

I flipped him off. “I’m surprised you even noticed.”

“Uh, what are we missing?” Ross asked.

“Kincaid and Hastings went to Drummond’s party Saturday night, and Fox dragged Kincaid home while I stayed behind with Hastings.”

Both men looked over at Fox. “You dragged Kincaid Black out of a party and you’re still alive,” Stone asked, shocked as hell.

“I didn’t exactly drag her as she decided to go peacefully,” Fox corrected.