Page 56 of Basilisk

Chapter 29


This time, there were no girls. It was just me, Ross, Fox, Stone, and Alexander. This morning, when I had called for this meeting, I had made sure to let Alexander know that it’d be just us. That he needed to leave Jacob, Arlene, and Donovan out of it. Surprisingly, he had complied, but I think that was just because he couldn’t predict us anymore. His initiating class was out of control, and he didn’t want it getting back to the organization any more than we did. At this point, I could only imagine what his reports back to the panel were about us getting married so unexpectantly.

“So, what can I help you with, Mr. Voss?” he asked, brushing some dust off his ten-thousand-dollar suit. I’d chosen an abandoned farmhouse for this meeting, so we were surrounded by dirt.

“August attacked my girl last night,” I told him.

His head reared back, and he blanched a bit. “Excuse me?”

“It’s true,” I replied, then went on to tell him everything that had happened. Ross, Stone, and Fox stood by silently as I recounted last night’s events.

When I was finished, he looked over at the guys. “You all were there in the hospital?” They all nodded.

“Are you calling me a liar?” I snapped, completely at my wit’s end. I had all this rage and no one to take it out on. On the surface, it seemed as if I was taking Hastings’ beating like a calm, mature, reasonable adult, but I really wasn’t.

I really was going to kill August Remington.

“Of course, I’m not,” Alexander bristled. “I’m just trying to get the entire picture.”

“I already told you the entire picture,” I snarled. “What the fuck more do you need?”

He looked between us all. “The same thing that I’ve been requiring of you, gentlemen. Proof,” he bit out.

“I’m so fucking tired of that bullshit,” I told him. “Our word should be good enough. This isn’t a case of Stone’s word against his, or Ross’ word, or even Fox’s word. It’s our word against that motherfucker, and that should mean something.”

Alexander looked fit to be tied. “It isn’t you who would be fighting this, Mr. Voss,” he fired back. “It would be me.” He looked around at all of us. “That is what you are forgetting. I am responsible for this initiating class, and I am the one who would have to take these concerns to the panel.”

“Concerns?” Stone practically yelled. “He’s a fucking predator, and he’s targeting the women we love. Why do you think he’s doing that, Alexander? This isn’t just about my wife anymore.”

“Okay, fine,” he replied heatedly. “Did Ms. Martin identify him as her attacker to the police? Was there DNA taken off her person as proof. Was there a witness? What does she have to prove it was Mr. Remington, besides a cryptic message?”

Unfortunately, he had us there. Hastings had not identified August as her attacker, not only because she hadn’t been sure it was him, but because she had saved his little message for me. She’d left that part out of her report to the police.

“No,” I answered honestly.

“Well, then I can’t-”

“That’s it,” Fox snapped. “We’re not doing this anymore.”

We all looked his way, Alexander straightening to his full height. “What does that mean?”

“It means that I am not going to honor a contract with an organization that is not honoring their end of it,” Fox informed him. “I don’t know who the fuck you think you’re dealing with, Alexander, but we’re not some dumb, rich, entitled pricks. We didn’t come into this only concerned about all the rewards we were going to reap.” Fox stepped up, and I knew his feelings for Kincaid were driving his anger. While he might be upset on my behalf, I knew his concern for Kincaid was more pressing for him, no matter what lies he spewed last night. “I’ve read the contracts, Alexander. I’ve read the oath. I’ve been studying The Order since I’ve been told I was destined to join it.”

“We all have,” I added.

“So, according to its expectations of honor, loyalty, and bonds of brotherhood, August had broken those commitments enough times for you to have done something about it,” Fox continued. “I’m done trying to figure out why you’re shielding him. I am done listening to you prattle on about proof. As far as I’m concerned, the organization has broken the contract I’ve signed. So, why should I honor my end of the bargain when you haven’t honored yours?”

Alexander did not like hearing that. “Do not question my honor, Mr. Harrington,” he fired back.

“Why not?” I asked. “It’s true. Even if you didn’t want to oust August completely, there were no ramifications for disrupting Stone’s Hera contract. There were no ramifications when August badmouthed a Hera wife. There hasn’t even been an investigation into all the accusations. Hell, you even let him take responsibility for Laney’s actions. Are you sucking his dick, Alexander?”

His face turned red, and his hands were balled into fists. “How dare you?”

“I dare because that motherfucker put his hands on my girl!” I roared, finally losing it. “I dare because Hastings was hurt because you haven’t done a fucking thing about August Remington!”

“It’s not that simple!” he roared back.