Page 57 of Basilisk

“Well, I’m about to make it that simple,” Stone announced.

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Alexander hissed between his clenched teeth.

“I’m going to request an official audience with the governing panel to present our concerns,” he told him, and Alexander’s face paled.

“You cannot do that,” he replied. “You aren’t even a full member yet, Mr. Lexington. Your memberships aren’t valid until you graduate from college, scandal-free.”

“But our fathers are,” I reminded the sonofabitch. “Maybe we’ll have a little family barbecue and get to talking about things.”

Alexander’s chin came up. “I think you’re forgetting one thing, Mr. Voss.”

“Yeah? And what’s that?”

“If this class goes down, so does the lovely Ms. Black.” He looked over at Stone. “As does your wife, Mr. Lexington.”

“It’ll take a lot more than the likes of you to take down Kincaid Black,” I spat. “It seems as if the power you think you have has gone to your head, Alexander.” I stepped to him, only a foot separating us. “Do not ever threaten Kincaid again. Do I make myself clear?”

Alexander stepped back, outraged, and scoffed, “It’s not my ego that seems to have gotten out of control.” He glanced at us all again. “You’ve seemed to have forgotten yourselves.”

“Let me give you some food for thought, Alexander,” I said condescendingly. “Stone’s Hera contract has made his marriage the most powerful one in the entire organization. Ross has gotten himself a wife that is onboard with everything he is set out to accomplish. My supporter is Kincaid Black, and I am marrying Hastings Martin. So, if we think that our power has surpassed yours, it’s because it has.”

“I…I thought you said that Ms. Martin was your girlfriend,” he balked.

“She is.” Lifting my chin, I added, “But since I can’t keep this shitshow hidden from her for long, then I have no choice but to marry her.”

His eyes widened. “Have you…did you break confidentiality? Does she know-”

“And if he did?” Stone asked, interrupting Alexander’s bullshit. “Like Fox pointed out earlier, we have no reason to be loyal to our contracts anymore. If you have no desire to honor your side, then fuck you.”

I cocked my head, a grin playing on my lips. “What do you think The Order would do if we all walked, Alexander? How in the fuck are you going to explain that? Because I can assure you that my father will have some questions if I do walk away from the organization.”

“I’m pretty sure my father will have some questions, too,” Ross added.

Of course, Fox and Stone didn’t have to say anything. No matter what was hiding in Alexander’s closet dressed like August Remington, Fox’s father and Stone’s father were on the governing panel. The panel consisted of five governing members who oversaw the entire organization and every single one of its members, and every member knew who was in charge.

“Fine,” Alexander conceded, defeat a struggle he was trying to contain. “Give me a few days to write up my report. When I am done, we will meet, then go over all the concerns.”

“Who’s we?” I asked.

“A man has the right to face his accusers, Mr. Voss,” he replied.

Depending on how many ‘a few days’ were, August Remington might already be dead. “Fine by me,” I lied.

Then he said something that surprised me because there was no need to say it unless he was being genuine. “I’m sorry to hear about Ms. Martin,” he said. “Women…well, I’m just very sorry.”

“Prove it by doing your fucking job, Alexander,” I shot back, not in the mood to be gracious.

Sorry wasn’t going to make Hastings heal any faster.