Page 58 of Basilisk

Chapter 30


“We’re getting married.” I glanced up from the book I’d been reading, and Saxton was just staring down at me expectantly.

After my hot, wonderful, life-changing bath this morning, I’ve been doing nothing but resting. While I’ve been making it a point to get up and walk around every hour or so, for the most part, I’ve been taking it easy. Of course, it wasn’t like I had much of a choice. If the guys weren’t checking on me, the girls were checking on me, and it was kind of sweet in a stifling sort of way.

It hadn’t been until Saxton had informed me that they were going to meet with Alexander to tell him what happened that I pulled out the book to try to get my mind off things. I was still trying to wrap my mind around this whole secret society thing, but more troubling was that I knew Saxton was boiling inside over what August had done to me, and I was worried that he was going to snap eventually. They’d discussed August’s murder like none of them possessed a conscience, and that was worrisome. While I agreed that August deserved a good ass kicking, killing him? I just couldn’t wrap my mind around it. However, it seemed as if I was the only one hesitant about this new development.

So, a few invested chapters and a couple of hours later, Saxton was standing in my living room, announcing nonsense.

“Excuse me?”

He let out a tired sigh as he bent to lift my legs, sat down, then dropped my legs over his lap. “We’re getting married,” he repeated. “Monday night. Midnight to be exact.”

“Excuse me?”

He shot me a look that clearly indicated that he wasn’t in the mood for attitude. “You heard me, Hastings,” he replied. “We’re getting married.”

Now, while I had no objections to marrying Saxton Voss, it was too soon. No one got married after only a few days of dating-


No one, besides Stone and Ross got married after only a few days of dating.

I set the book down on my lap, then sat up straighter. My heart warmed as Saxton made the adjustments with me. As I sat up, he scooted over, so that he could still hold onto my legs.

I was so in love with this idiot.


He scowled at me. “Because I love you. Why else would I fucking marry you?”

My brows shot up. “Bad day at the office, dear?”

Saxton was not about the humor today, because he leaned in and everything that he was feeling was in his voice. “Look, I let you manipulate me into letting you stay here. I let you hold me back from hunting that motherfucker down and killing him in the street like the animal he is. I’ve let you control this entire situation because I’m worried about you, and I don’t want to cause you undue stress.” He was growling at me, but his hands were tenderly rubbing my legs over his lap. “But after the meeting we just had, if you don’t marry me soon, I am going to fucking kill August Remington, and I give two fucks if I go to prison for it, Hastings.”


“Don’t fucking Saxton me, Hastings,” he snapped. “Do you have any idea what it does to a man when he can’t avenge the woman he loves? Do you?”

“Well, no. I-”

“It tears him up inside,” he said, still snapping at me. “This shit is eating me up inside, and you just better fucking marry me, Hastings.”

I tossed the book aside, then crawled over his angry form. Straddling him, I took his face in my hands. “Saxton, this isn’t your fault-”

“This isn’t about that,” he hissed. “This is about me sitting on my fucking ass and not doing a motherfucking thing about it.”

“You can’t kill him, Saxton,” I said, trying to calm him down. “Think about it.”

His hands were tight on my hips, and though it hurt, I wasn’t about to tell him that. Saxton needed me right now, no matter how much my body ached.

“Oh, baby, that’s where you’re wrong,” he fired back. “I can most certainly kill the sonofabitch. Especially, with Kincaid, Stone, Fox, and Ross on my side.”

I kissed the side of his face. “Saxton, killing him puts him out of his misery,” I pointed out. “You don’t want to do that, do you?”

His grey eyes flared with heat, love, and understanding. “No,” he answered honestly. “I want the motherfucker to suffer.”