Page 59 of Basilisk

“Then let’s make him suffer,” I said. “Let’s ruin him.”

“Marry me,” he said. “That’ll be a start.”

I shook my head. “I’m not marrying you just to torture August Remington, Saxton.”

“No, you’re not,” he agreed. “You’re marrying me because you love me. You’re marrying me because I love you. You’re marrying me, so that I don’t lose my goddamn mind, Hastings.”

“And what am I supposed to tell my parents? My sister?”

“That we couldn’t wait,” he replied easily.

“Saxton, I’m their youngest daughter,” I reminded him. “They’re going to want a real wedding-”

“I don’t give a fuck about what they want,” he quickly interrupted. “I care about what you want. Do you want a big wedding?”

“Well, not really,” I admitted. “But what’s the rush?”

“I told Alexander about us,” he admitted. “I told him about marrying you. He suspects that I’ve already broken the confidentiality NDA, and he’s not wrong.”

“What does that mean for you?” Again, I didn’t pretend to know how all this worked, but this was his world, and it was real.

“Nothing,” he replied. “He can’t prove that I told you anything. However, if you marry me, you’ll be required to sign a shitload of NDAs like Sutton had to, and that’ll go a long way to settling the waters.”

“Saxton, we’ve only been dating-”

“Don’t say it,” he said. “I’ve liked you for a long time, Hastings. I just never could tell if you hated me or liked me back. That’s the only reason it took me so long to make a move.”

Since he was confessing his feelings, it only seemed right that I confess mine. “I liked you so much that I turned into a stuttering idiot whenever you were near,” I admitted. “So, it was easier to just not talk to you.”

Saxton smiled, and he really was the most beautiful thing ever. “Yeah?”

I nodded. “It was embarrassing.”

“Marry me, Hastings,” he repeated, only this time, it wasn’t a growl, it wasn’t a demand, it wasn’t said in anger. “Please, just fucking marry me.”

“On one condition,” I replied, trying to bargain with the crazy man.


“I get to tell my sister first,” I told him. “She won’t ruin it and tell my parents, but she’s my sister and I can’t keep this from her.”

“You can tell the entire world as far as I’m concerned,” he snorted. “Just as long as you marry me Monday night.”

“Why at night?”

“Honestly, I think it’s tradition at this point,” he muttered. “Seriously, though, it’s the safest way. We can’t risk anything going wrong, Hastings.”

“The priest is going to flip when he sees my face, Saxton,” I remarked.

“I don’t care,” he scoffed. “Just as long as he marries us, I don’t give a shit.”

It was too soon, too crazy, and it had to be the most reckless thing that I have ever done in my life. Still, sanity aside, I loved Saxton. I was in love with him, and he was a good man. Plus, I’ve witnessed the friendship he had with Kincaid. There was no doubt in my mind that Saxton Voss took care of the people that he loved. Saxton would never hurt me, and at the end of it all, that’s all any girl really wanted.

“Okay,” I finally answered.

“Good,” he replied unromantically. “The arrangements are already being set in motion.”

I choked out a surprised laugh. “That confident?”

He shook his head. “Not at all,” he lied. “There just wasn’t any way I was going to let you say no.”

I smiled softly at that. “Tell me you love me,” I demanded like a brat.

“I fucking live for you, Hastings Martin,” he said instead. “You have no idea, baby.”

“You’d better,” I teased.

“You’ll never regret it,” he vowed. “On my life, you will never regret it.”

Everything in my soul told me that he was probably right.